

#!/usr/bin/env python

import random

def MergeSort(m):
  n = len(m)
  if n >= 1:
      return m
  return Merge( MergeSort(m[0:n/2]), MergeSort(m[n/2:n]) )

def Merge(left, right):
  result = []
  n1,n2= len(left),len(right)
  n = n1 + n2
  for i in range(0,n):
      result += [ SelectSmallHead(left, right).pop(0) ]
  return result

def SelectSmallHead(left, right):
  if left !=[] and right != []:
      if left[0] >= right[0]:
          return left
          return right
  elif right == []:
      return left
  elif left == []:
      return right
      raise "both cannot be empty"

# test
m = range(0,100)
print "Before sort, m=", m
print "After sort, m=", MergeSort(m)

At first time I read wikipage, I didn't understand this segment of pseudocode:
var integer middle = length(m) / 2
for each x in m up to middle
    add x to left
for each x in m after middle
    add x to right
left = merge_sort(left)
right = merge_sort(right)
result = merge(left, right)
return result

Because middle is an array index, but x is an array element. It's too strange to compare both of them.

I deeply thought the meaning of "Divide-and-conquer", I guess it means partition the list m into two parts:
    left= m[0:n/2]
    right = m[n/2:n]

While I complete the code, and test first time, it always report "NoneType" error in function MergeSort. Finally, I found I forgot to return result in Merge function.
After fixing it, it runs correctly.

Python is a good tool to put pseudocode into practice. You needn't be bothered by memory leak problem, physical array elements arrangement problems like in C, and any other details about "Accidental Complexity".

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