我 問他說,為什麼我做完手術後的那幾天,會一直流黃色的眼油,我剛手術完時,眼油一直流,眼前一片糊糊的,視線完全不清楚。第二天起床時,整個眼睛都被凝結 的眼油給黏住,不能眨眼,要用生理食鹽水洗掉才行。後來,我的右眼視力完全恢復了,不會流眼油了,但是左眼有散光,我那時是害怕手術時角膜弄傷了,有去眼 科做檢查。他說,流眼油是因為,眼睛中有個腺體是專門分泌油脂來潤滑眼睛的,在手術時這個腺體被刺激到了,所以會一直流眼油。至於眼科的話,醫生說他會介 紹眼科給我。
他後來有問我說之後是否會想做什麼手術,我回說forehead reduction。他說那手術很危險,在額頭那邊有個神經從顱內穿出到頭皮,在磨骨的時候很容易弄傷神經,造成頭皮麻痺。他建議我可以墊平額頭,因為我 的額頭從側面45度角看時,會有凹凸感,用Gore-Tex墊平,使得額頭看起來是平平的,而不會墊高額頭,他有給我看了範例照片。
Breakfast on Pluto
While I watched the film "Breakfast on Pluto", there was a scene: the protagonist was dancing with a man. Suddenly, the bomb exploded, everyone was knocked down in ruins. The actress was moved to the hospital, and the ambulance personnel attempted scissoring her clothes to stop the bleeding. Then they found there is something lying between her groins. Everyone was shocked .....
I also heard some tragedy related to transgender in a foreign countries. She was hit by a car on the street. When ambulance came to save her, the personnel found her not a real woman. As a result, she was left alone, laid on the floor crying until dyingfrom over bleeding.
I hope the emergency rescues faculty in Taiwan won't be such horrible ...
While I watched the film "Breakfast on Pluto", there was a scene: the protagonist was dancing with a man. Suddenly, the bomb exploded, everyone was knocked down in ruins. The actress was moved to the hospital, and the ambulance personnel attempted scissoring her clothes to stop the bleeding. Then they found there is something lying between her groins. Everyone was shocked .....
I also heard some tragedy related to transgender in a foreign countries. She was hit by a car on the street. When ambulance came to save her, the personnel found her not a real woman. As a result, she was left alone, laid on the floor crying until dyingfrom over bleeding.
I hope the emergency rescues faculty in Taiwan won't be such horrible ...
Walking around the riverbank, at the night of Mid-autumn Festival
Walking around the riverbank, at the night of Mid-autumn Festival
My parents have a habit of strolling around the riverbank park. After finished dinner, mom asked me to walk with them. (I often work overtime and return home too lately, so I cannot walk with them). Firstly I wanted to deny it because my belly was full. However an idea came to mind, that I can see the white and clean moon in the sky, and see other people barbecue outside. Therefore I decided to go with parents.
Walking on the Xiu-Lang bridge, I heard the kids laughing. And then, a naked adolescent ran to our front. I thought it must be a punishment of losing a bet. His friends hailed at the runner. My mom also applauded at him.
Arriving the park, we met a frend of my mom, Mei-chi, and her husband, little Liu. They were sitting and chatting on the bench. After the greeting with my parents, little Liu asked my dad, "Is she your daunghter? Wow, she looks pretty."
"No, it's my son!", said dad.
I tittered at his side. I recalled a manga book "Urusei Yatsura". Ryuunosuke's father always call Ryuunosuke as a man and tried to make her the real man.
After greetings, dad said, "We got to keep walking, good bye."
While walking, My mom asked me, "He still calls you the son."
"That doesn't matter. At least he does not reluctate what I am, and what I do now", I said.
After rounding one lap, we found Mei-chi and little Liu are still sitting on the bench. My parents also joined the chatting with them. Women sat on one side, and men sat on another side. My mom took out a pomelo, split it and share it with everyone.
After eating the pomelo, I sat close to my mom and said, "Mom, I feel so cold".
My mom told to Mei-chi, "Don't you feel it so strange? She was my son before, and now she is my daughter.".
"I don't feel it strange. This society changes everytime. It is not stange in this age...", said Mei-chi.
"At the beginning I cannot accept it happen. I was crying everyday. My tears could fill one liter", said mom.
"no one can accept it at the beginning."
I said, "That's because my mom was afraid I would be a different persn after my gender changed, and the original myself disappeared."
"Not only so, and also a sense of being lost. I raised and educated her as a boy, and expected her go man's way. Now she walks another way. I feel something lost. Before she always get good grades in school. I didn't need to worry. Suddenly she becomes so strange. I worried about her. I feel puzzled about the future. How can she pass the desperate straits. I am afriad she is laughed by others in the office, or even fired by her company. One year passed, it seems nothing happened. She still treats me like what he did.", said mom.
"I also heard this kind of examples around me. A son of yy cousin brother son is very feminine. He behaves more girlish than a girl. He is always blamed by his father because his effeminacy, but my husband does not blame him. He only blames the other if he or she does not work earnestly. Sometimes it comes to my mind, what if my son is an effeminacy boy. Can I accept him....", said Mei-chi.
"Time to go now!!", shouted my father.
While going together with the men, we changed the topic, chatting and walking toward home.
Walking around the riverbank, at the night of Mid-autumn Festival
My parents have a habit of strolling around the riverbank park. After finished dinner, mom asked me to walk with them. (I often work overtime and return home too lately, so I cannot walk with them). Firstly I wanted to deny it because my belly was full. However an idea came to mind, that I can see the white and clean moon in the sky, and see other people barbecue outside. Therefore I decided to go with parents.
Walking on the Xiu-Lang bridge, I heard the kids laughing. And then, a naked adolescent ran to our front. I thought it must be a punishment of losing a bet. His friends hailed at the runner. My mom also applauded at him.
Arriving the park, we met a frend of my mom, Mei-chi, and her husband, little Liu. They were sitting and chatting on the bench. After the greeting with my parents, little Liu asked my dad, "Is she your daunghter? Wow, she looks pretty."
"No, it's my son!", said dad.
I tittered at his side. I recalled a manga book "Urusei Yatsura". Ryuunosuke's father always call Ryuunosuke as a man and tried to make her the real man.
After greetings, dad said, "We got to keep walking, good bye."
While walking, My mom asked me, "He still calls you the son."
"That doesn't matter. At least he does not reluctate what I am, and what I do now", I said.
After rounding one lap, we found Mei-chi and little Liu are still sitting on the bench. My parents also joined the chatting with them. Women sat on one side, and men sat on another side. My mom took out a pomelo, split it and share it with everyone.
After eating the pomelo, I sat close to my mom and said, "Mom, I feel so cold".
My mom told to Mei-chi, "Don't you feel it so strange? She was my son before, and now she is my daughter.".
"I don't feel it strange. This society changes everytime. It is not stange in this age...", said Mei-chi.
"At the beginning I cannot accept it happen. I was crying everyday. My tears could fill one liter", said mom.
"no one can accept it at the beginning."
I said, "That's because my mom was afraid I would be a different persn after my gender changed, and the original myself disappeared."
"Not only so, and also a sense of being lost. I raised and educated her as a boy, and expected her go man's way. Now she walks another way. I feel something lost. Before she always get good grades in school. I didn't need to worry. Suddenly she becomes so strange. I worried about her. I feel puzzled about the future. How can she pass the desperate straits. I am afriad she is laughed by others in the office, or even fired by her company. One year passed, it seems nothing happened. She still treats me like what he did.", said mom.
"I also heard this kind of examples around me. A son of yy cousin brother son is very feminine. He behaves more girlish than a girl. He is always blamed by his father because his effeminacy, but my husband does not blame him. He only blames the other if he or she does not work earnestly. Sometimes it comes to my mind, what if my son is an effeminacy boy. Can I accept him....", said Mei-chi.
"Time to go now!!", shouted my father.
While going together with the men, we changed the topic, chatting and walking toward home.
life story,
I want to be a bridesmaid !

「也對,給妳穿的話,會變成迷你裙了 XD」
I want to be a bridesmaid !!
September 9th, it is the day of my elder sister's wedding. Before I was anxious about what to wear in the wedding ceremony. I am afraid to be blamed by my father if I wear too feminine. I cannot wear masculine clothes because my male clothes are all thrown away. Eventually I followed the suggestion of my net friend, Tin-tin. That is to wear a shirt with jeans. She also recommended me to wear a silk handkerchief on the neck, but my mother's silk handkerchief looks too old-fashioned. So I gave up.
My clothing looked very neutral, but my appearance still looked like a girl. While my father introduced me to his friends, he still said, "That's my son". I thought his friends must feel confused. At least, my father didn't feel unpleasure on me. I thought he could accept me.
I have not seen the relatives on my father's side, such as uncles, aunts, younger cousins, for one year. While they saw me, they were astonished. I suppose they heard my rumors before, so I didn't explain my situation.
On the contrary, I have a closer relationship to the relatives on my mother's side. I have not seen them for few months. While young aunt saw me, she praised me became more beautiful than before.
In the middle of the ceremony, I entered the changing room of the bride. My elder sister was taken the photo with the bridesmaid, and her sisterhood. I was also taken the photo with my elder sister.
I said, "Yesterday I told my colleagues that I will go to my sister's wedding. One of female colleagues asked me, will you be a bridesmaid in the ceremony? "
"Hmm", said my sister.
"I said, that's impossible. My father will get mad if he sees me in dress", said I.
"Do you want to try the bridesmaid's dress?", said my sister.
I looked at the dress with the long skirt dragged on the floor. I said, "I cannot fit into the dress".
"Absolutely! It becomes the mini skirt if you wear it. Ha ha ha", said sister.
"Ha ha"
life story,
I am a loser when I was born
男生往西 女生是往東
又不時回頭 抱著羨慕的眼光
可是我好高興 這才是我喜歡的道路
I am a loser when I was born
On the raceway of life
Men toward west, while women toward east
I was assigned to the men's way when I was born
I looked forward with embarrassement
I doubt should I move forward
I turned my head, in envious way
Looking on the women's raceway
Behine the way, parents encouraged me
I step forward reluctantly
Struggled in my mind more than 20 years
I am not afraid to move toward women's way
Although I lagged for more than 20 years
Although I am a loser when I was born
Anyway, it is my favorite way, I feel so happy
男生往西 女生是往東
又不時回頭 抱著羨慕的眼光
可是我好高興 這才是我喜歡的道路
I am a loser when I was born
On the raceway of life
Men toward west, while women toward east
I was assigned to the men's way when I was born
I looked forward with embarrassement
I doubt should I move forward
I turned my head, in envious way
Looking on the women's raceway
Behine the way, parents encouraged me
I step forward reluctantly
Struggled in my mind more than 20 years
I am not afraid to move toward women's way
Although I lagged for more than 20 years
Although I am a loser when I was born
Anyway, it is my favorite way, I feel so happy
I got my new ID card done !
我說 「這是我國中時候拍的」
對方笑笑說 「哦,原來妳國中時候是理小男生頭啊」
I got my new ID card done
Last Sunday, I brought my new photo and application form to the office of village head, for applying for the new ID card.
This Sunday, I brought the seal and old ID card to the office of village, with much anxiety. What if the faculty said "Hey, it's a girl's picture. How can you use it to apply for a men's ID card". I prepared to have a fight with them, said "How can you ignorant to the situation of your villagers", and accuse them of discrimination on transsexuals.
While I took out my ID card, the personnel said "You have to bring your personal ID card"!
"This old picture was taken when I studied in junior high school", said I.
she smiled, "No wonder, you had a haircut like a little boy before".
I am very happy when I got my new ID card, because there is a picture of pretty girl on it. However, my Chinese name is still a problem. While I walking on the road, I told to my mom, "Yesterday when I am in the party of my high school classmates, and when I had a clinic with Chang-Gung Hospital, they all asked me, why not change your name".
I discussed with mom, which Chinese name sounds best, such as Xiao-Feng, Xiao-Yu, Jing-Yuang, Xiao-Yuan, Xiao-Yue, Xiao-Zhen, Xiao-Yuan, and so on.
我說 「這是我國中時候拍的」
對方笑笑說 「哦,原來妳國中時候是理小男生頭啊」
I got my new ID card done
Last Sunday, I brought my new photo and application form to the office of village head, for applying for the new ID card.
This Sunday, I brought the seal and old ID card to the office of village, with much anxiety. What if the faculty said "Hey, it's a girl's picture. How can you use it to apply for a men's ID card". I prepared to have a fight with them, said "How can you ignorant to the situation of your villagers", and accuse them of discrimination on transsexuals.
While I took out my ID card, the personnel said "You have to bring your personal ID card"!
"This old picture was taken when I studied in junior high school", said I.
she smiled, "No wonder, you had a haircut like a little boy before".
I am very happy when I got my new ID card, because there is a picture of pretty girl on it. However, my Chinese name is still a problem. While I walking on the road, I told to my mom, "Yesterday when I am in the party of my high school classmates, and when I had a clinic with Chang-Gung Hospital, they all asked me, why not change your name".
I discussed with mom, which Chinese name sounds best, such as Xiao-Feng, Xiao-Yu, Jing-Yuang, Xiao-Yuan, Xiao-Yue, Xiao-Zhen, Xiao-Yuan, and so on.
Party of High School Classmates
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寄件者 附中同學會 |
Party of High School Classmates
As I arrived at the place of party, there was nobody on the seats. I was the first one came here. After waiting for few minutes, classmate Huang and classmate Shen came in. They didn't say hello to me. I supposed they thought I am the girlfriend of someone else. I gave a greeting to them on my own accord, and call their name respectively. They were shocked. They had no idea who she was. Classmate Huang mulled for a while, and shouted "Hey! You are classmate XXX, right!?" I nodded with a smile. They felt it marvelous. What makes me change to be a girl?
I asked classmate Huang, "How did you recognize me"? He said, "I noticed your long stature, because there are a few of classmates longer than six feet".
After chatting for few minutes, schoolmate Lai, who is the most active person in the class, also came in. I said hello to him. He was astonished this girl was one of his classmates before. He was curious, and ask me many questions, such as "Why did you want to become a girl?", "How long before you feel you are a girl?", "How do your parents treat you as you changed to a girl?", "Do your colleagues in the office treat you well?", and "Have you encountered any trouble in daily life?"
Afterwards, class teacher also came in. I astounded, because I didn't expect the teacher will join the party. Classmate Lai introduce other classmates to the teacher respectively. When I was introduced, teacher thought Lai was kidding at him. Teacher kept asking me, "Are you a girlfriend brought here by one of my students". Until I said "Hello, Teacher Gao", the teacher realized, and said, “Oh, you are my student XXX”. Perhaps the teacher still doubted me, so he asked me, “I remember you were interested in drawing manga, are you still working on it?” I answered, “The industry of manga in Taiwan is not mature enough. This career can barely provide the maintenance for the manga creators. As I gained the admission to the department of Computer Science, I decided to be a game programmer. I wanted to create the game I dreamed. The manga creation can just be my recreation.”
The teacher maybe thought I cross-dressed myself for fun, he asked me some questions, such as “How long before you decide to change your gender?”, “How do your parents think?” I began to confide my life history, and life experience to the teacher. Then, the teacher told me, “You looked more confident and more extrovert than before. While you studied in high school, you were a very shy boy. You were bad to the sociability. Nowadays, you are good at expressing yourself, and your eyes look more attractive.” I answered, “Maybe I wore eyeglasses before, so my eyes looked unappealing.”
I was very happy in this party, because many classmates accepted. One the classmates said nobody could recognize me as a boy, and I am a girl at all. My teacher has an open mind, he did not discriminate transsexual, and he think it is more important to keep in a cheerful frame of mind. One of the classmates said, he always complained about that all of the students in this class are male, no one is female, and he is glad that there is one female student in this class. One said it represents the predominance of HSNU, and it should be picked into the legends of HSNU. After the party, we had a fun to be photoed together. I also joined. Then, everyone returned home happily.
life story,
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