
Consulting the double eyelid surgery





Consulting the double eyelid surgery

Today I returned to the clinic Feng-Hua, Dr. Gao is very interesting in my nose. He said my profile is outstanding, and the nasion is high. After modifying the nose tip, then my profile will be similar to the Caucasian woman.

I also mentioned, "I don't like my left eye is smaller than my right eye. Is it possible to knife them so that both eyes are equally big?"

Dr. Gao said, "You already underwent a double eyelid surgery before. It is hard to modify the shape if the eyelids are knifed. Sewing the double eyelids is sufficient for you, and you need to sew wider eyelid creases. The sutures are nonabsorbable, so they will be hidden in the creases. Your left pupil shifts upper than the right eye, so the left pupil looks smaller. Surgery of sewing the double eyelids takes about NTD. 12000. I can give you a discount, such as NTD. 1000. Do you want to have the surgery now?"

I was surprised, and declined. I said, "I need to go to office shortly. If I make up my minds, I will phone you for the appointment. "

While I was about to leave, I thought of some questions. I asked the reception desk that, after the surgery, how long will the swelling remove, and do I need to wear sunglasses when I go outside. She answered me that, I don't need to wear sunglasses. I only need to wear a hat when I go outside.

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